As a student of the American Academy for seven years, I remember arriving on the first day feeling anxious about the unknown. Fortunately, I immediately felt safe in the warm environment provided by my new school. Overall, my first day was a very pleasant and interesting experience which I will always remember. My school is incredibly unique! There are so many different kinds of people and each contribute something special, therefore, new students are able to fit in easily and become part of our school community. Moreover, my school has provided me with a vast variety of opportunities, such as charity events, afternoon clubs and out of school competitions. The American Academy has definitely equipped me with everything I will need after graduating to begin the next chapter of my life, namely Medical School. It is my great pleasure to be able to consider my school as my ‘home away from home’, and I am going to remember my time spent at the American Academy as an experience that contributed to the person that I am today.



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