On Wednesday morning ,we had two small assemblies at our primary school. Our principal,Mrs Rigas gave out certificates for the month of February and announced our winners for the Kangourou English Competition.

Our winners are:



Level 3:
Abhay Sirsikar Y3E
Mila Moskvina Y3M
Level 4:
Choudhary Krisha Y4S
Alisa Zavrazhneva Y4I
Zoia Zokhova Y4I


Level 3:
Ustina Shirokova Y3M
Marina Sakerin Y3M
Level 4:
Milena Hastell Y4P
Ilaria Malinovska Y4P
Level 5:
Andrey Cheremnikh Y5T
Level 6:
Kirk Farashan Y6A
Maria Kardana Y6A


Level 4:
Julia Gregoriou Y4P
Thanos Konstantinou Y4P
Samer Boulos Elias Y4S
Level 5:
Oleksandr Muratov Y5T
Level 6:
Bjorn Moberg Y6A
Well done to Andrey Cheremnikh Y5T for winning Gold medal in the French Kangourou Competition.
We done children. We are very proud of you.


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